Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A lady's coat.

A bit  ago I mentioned a period-inspired jacket I was working on for MacKenzie.  Well, it's now done (ish)....

  I won't lie, this coat gave me a fight.  And it's still throwing punches.  But I was tired of looking at it on my sewing table, and I think I'm going to call it done for now, and revisit it maybe after the Holidays, when I have more patience.  
The main part of the coat came together really well- everything lined up, it fits well, and the lining makes it look pretty professional.  It's all the details that gave me such trouble.

I wanted a Regency styled coat with a pleated peplum and button strappy things (it's a sewing term).  Something kinda like this:

But I cut the main pieces too close to the middle of my fabric, and it didn't allow for enough length for a true peplum bottom, so I settled for a knife-pleat trim.  

I like the way it turned out, and will probably prove more wearable in the end, but I reallllly wanted that peplum waist. Le sigh.
The strappy things connecting the front kill me.  They shift about as she moves, so they wind up looking crooked a lot.  And after washing, they don't lay as flat as I'd like...
I think when I revisit this, I'll rip them off and start over.  But that's for another time...

I do like the overall style of the jacket, and how easy it is for Kenzie to move in due to the open bottom.  Perfect for her trademark slouch ;)

And the real draw for me is the fabric.  It's another Ikea curtain purchase- this was a thick canvas print- with trees and birdhouses and pink birds.  It.is.awesome.   The Ikea love is hidden inside the trim....

I lined it with a pink gauze, which is a holdover from the very first fabric purchase I ever made, when I was 18 or 19.  I had no idea what I was doing, and got 5 or so yards of this tissuey fabric, thinking I'd make a maxi dress.  It has sat in my sewing trunk ever since (ten years or so!).  It stretched like crazy when I was sewing it, and I'm glad I used it just as a lining. 

Bottom line, this jacket looks pretty cute- from far away...  But once I fix a few things, I think it'll be wonderful.  And my girl won't mind wearing it, flaws and all, until then. 

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